Travel Broadly, Travel Bravely




Behind the Traveler

Travel Advisor & Owner

I'm Katie

A career in travel advising was inevitable, having grown up in a family all struck by wanderlust. My parents taught us to prioritize travel and experiences over “things” at a young age. I’m so thankful for their love of taking the road less traveled during trips and seeking out destinations not yet thoroughly discovered. I have fond memories of driving to the airport with my family in the dark before dawn and my dad predictably declaring, “Well, girls - here we go on another brave new adventure.” The feeling of excitement and the unknown is palpable to this day. I want my clients to share the same feeling, and I encourage them to Travel Broadly, and Travel Bravely!

Besides travel, I am a voracious reader and love to golf, spend time with family, and search out the best new restaurants with the greatest craft cocktails.

so, What sets me apart?

My personal lifelong experience of travel coupled with the skills and knowledge attained through the many years that I was a practicing attorney. An eye for nuance, organization, thoroughness, good communication and most importantly, being an effective advocate for my clients are both a lawyer and a travel advisors’ superpowers.

my favorite destinations:



It is a magical city that has a long and complex history, filled with fascinating stories. Try a proper scotch tasting or take a witchcraft tour.


Amalfi Coast

What can be better than Italian food and wine? Enjoying it from the cliffside perches on the Amalfi Coast. Swimming in the deep blue Mediterranean is a must on a private boat tour.



This country and its inhabitants are warm and welcoming. The landscape is awe-inspiring, and worth trekking through cold or wet weather to explore.



The vistas are beautiful, as are the villas sprinkled throughout. Although many people don’t speak English, they are more than happy to help. 



The tropical island is known for its beautiful coastline, limestone mountains, Spanish architecture and picturesque beaches. Don’t miss the lovely artists’ village of Deia with its iconic hotel and beachside restaurant.



The jaw dropping fjords are just one of the reasons Norway is an amazing place to visit. The Scandinavian culture, food, and Viking history are fascinating, and the people are engaging

about you

You are seeking a memorable trip with unforgettable adventures and one of a kind experiences.

Does this sound like you? Inquire with us.


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